- for scientists with an interest in the extracellular matrix -

Inflammation, Fibrosis, Resolution and the Matrix

Meeting scope: ‘Highlight how the matrix is implicated in inflammatory & fibrotic processes, advancing understanding of how we might resolve pathology in future’


We are delighted to confirm the following speakers:


Prof Christopher Buckley (Oxford & Birmingham, UK)

Prof Kim Midwood (Oxford, UK)

Dr Alexandra Naba (Illinois, USA)

Prof Fiona Watt (KCL, UK)

Dr Lucy Norling (QMUL, UK)

Prof Derek Gilroy (UCL, UK)

Prof Andreas Traweger(Salzberg, Austria)

Prof Derek Mann (Newcastle, UK)


Fell-Muir Award: Prof Andy Pitsillides (Royal Veterinary College, UK)


For program details click here

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