Organized by: Dr Giovanna Nalesso
It is our great pleasure to invite you to attend the BSMB Spring meeting which will be virtually hosted by the University of Surrey.
The conference will include 5 plenary sessions covering different aspects of the interactions between lipids and lipid-derivatives such as hormones and pro-inflammatory molecules with the ECM, in different areas of research. The speakers we have invited to present their work are internationally renowned scientists in different fields of research, spanning from respiratory diseases and embryology to regenerative medicine and cell to cell communication: Robert Snelgrove (Imperial College, UK), Sirio Dupont (University of Padua, Italy), Giampietro Schiavo (UCL, UK), Rami Hannoush (Genentech, USA), Stephen Badylacks (University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre, USA), Nicholas Davidson (Washington University, USA), Dawei Zhang (University of Alberta, Canada).
The meeting will also host a BSMB Medal Award presentation, which will be given by Prof Kathy Cheah, from the University of Hong Kong.
We have also invited a special guest, Dr Steve Cross, a public engagement and communication consultant (, who will deliver an entertaining science communication session entitled “Communicating Science and being silly”, at the end of day one. To encourage networking, attendees will also be invited to a “speed networking” session.
Registration will open on the 17th of January 2022 and will close on the 20th of March 2022.
Registration fees will be £10 for students and £30 for academics for non BSMB members, for BSMB members registration is free.
Please note we cannot process membership requests for this meeting after the 1st of March 2022.
Abstract submission will close on 1/03/2022. Speakers will be notified by 15/03/2022.
We encourage submission of abstracts related to all areas of research pertinent to the BSMB and not only related to the theme of the meeting. Young investigators are particularly encouraged to apply.
To register fill out the form below, please select the no dinner option. If at all possible please use the credit/debit card option.
To register fill out the form below, please select the no dinner option. If at all possible please use the credit/debit card option.
BSMB members and Honorary members please select the 'offline' payment method.
Once you have registered you will be able to submit abstracts via this link
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