- for scientists with an interest in the extracellular matrix -

MBE ASMB Bursaries

Matrix Biology Europe (MBE) and American Society for Matrix Biology (ASMB) meetings are held every two years, and BSMB members are encouraged to attend.

The work described in the abstract must be novel and of a quality that would reflect well as a BSMB-supported contribution. The amount of the award depends on the location of the meeting, and will be up to £500 for FECTS meetings and £600 for ASMB meetings. The deadline for receipt of bursary applications will normally be 6 months before the meeting opens.

The applications will be reviewed rapidly by the Committee and applicants will be informed of the outcome in advance of the meeting registration deadline. Bursaries will be paid by the Society Treasurer once the report of the meeting has been received. Proof of registration and travel costs must also be provided.