- for scientists with an interest in the extracellular matrix -

BSMB Constitution


The BSMB committee reviewed the constitution of the society in 2020-21, in order to reassess our aims and procedures and to make sure that we are compliant with the current requirements of the Charity Commission for England and Wales. The proposed minor modifications to the constitution were accepted by the membership at the Spring AGM in 2021.


The existing constitution was first approved in 1980, with amendments in 1998 (change to the society’s name) and 2009 (modification to clause 6 – voting procedures) and 2010 (minor changes to membership rules and voting procedures). The most recent version was ammended in 2021.

Responsibilities of BSMB committee members BSMB committee members automatically become trustees of the BSMB charity. All committee members should be familiar with the constitution and read the following document: